Welcome to KaDrew Bali Aromatherapy🍃



Our Outlet : Bali & Solo

KaDrew Bali Aromatherapy Menawarkan Produk Perawatan Badan (SPA) dan Aromatherapy Berbahan ALAMI yang Berasal dari Tumbuhan & Aneka Buah - Buahan dengan JUTAAN MANFAAT Bagi Kesehatan. Di setiap produk kami mengandung ekstrak Essential oil yang bermanfaat untuk merelaksasi tubuh & pikiran.

KaDrew provides you a natural plant & fruit based bodycare and aromatherapy who gives a tons of benefits for your health. In every products contains essential oil which is good to relax your mind and body.

Apakah Anda Tahu Essential Oil?

Do you know essential oil?

Essential oil adalah minyak alami yang diekstrak dari satu jenis tanaman yang di dapatkan dari akar, batang ,daun, bunga atau buah-buahan yang di olah dengan higienis di pabrik kami hingga menjadi essential oil atau minyak atsiri yang sangat bermanfaat untuk produk kecantikan dan kesehatan.

Essential oil is a natural oil which made from a plant extract, it could be from its roots, trunk, leafes, flowers, or fruits which is processed hygienically in our factory so that it becomes useful oil for beauty and health products

Tahukah Anda Bahwa Produk Perawatan Badan (SPA) & Aromatherapy Berbahan Alami Itu Jauh Lebih Aman & Berkhasiat Untuk Kesehatan?

Do you know that a natural-based body care and aromatherapy are actually a lot way safer and will give you more benefits for your health?

Saat ini semakin populer di dunia kecantikan yaitu produk perawatan kulit yang terbuat dari tumbuhan alami yang dipercaya menyimpan jutaan manfaat bagi kesehatan loh. Salah satu manfaatnya untuk kesehatan adalah untuk merelaksasi tubuh & pikiran. 

Its getting more popular now that a lot of beauty company starting to make one. Its basically a skin care with plant-based ingridients which is believed to have lots of benefits for your health such as to relax your mind and body.

Anda Sedang Mengalami Masalah Ini?

Do you have these problem?

Punya Masalah Bau Badan?

You have a body odor problem

Anda Sedang Mengalami Stress?

You got a stress problem

Anda Sering Merasa Cemas dan Depresi?

You got anxiety and depression so often

Tidur Anda Tidak Nyenyak?

You have a bad sleep

Anda Sering Sakit Kepala?

You got a headache so often

Anda Sering Nyeri Sendi & Otot?

You got arthritis

Anda Butuh Sesuatu Yang Bisa Menenangkan Pikiran Dan Tubuh?

Do you need something that will help you to relax your mind and body?

KaDrew Bali Aromatherapy Adalah SOLUSI PASTI Bagi Anda Yang Butuh RELAKSASI

KaDrew Bali Aromatherapy is the best solution for everyone who needs some relaxation!

Discover The Secret of Natural Products from Bali Island!​

Pulau Bali merupakan salah satu pulau eksotis ada di negara Indonesia yang memiliki keindahan alam yang mempesona dan terkenal akan kebudayaanya yang sangat kaya. Pulau Bali juga sangat terkenal di dalam negeri dan mancanegara dengan eksotisme produk perawatan kulit (SPA) dan keharuman khas Aromatherapynya. Hal inilah yang membuat kami terinspirasi untuk membuat produk Perawatan Badan (SPA) & Aromatherapy. KaDrew Bali Aromatherapy merupakan produk resmi yang diproduksi langsung di Pulau Bali oleh CV Bali Ayu Nature. KaDrew Bali Aromatherapy merupakan sebuah wujud usaha untuk membawa warisan bali ke dalam dunia kecantikan modern saat ini dengan memanfaatkan bahan-bahan Alami dari tumbuhan untuk diolah menjadi produk Spa dan Aromatherapy🍂

Bali Island is one of the most exotic island which located in Indonesia that was known for its beautiful scenery and the cultural diversity. Bali Island also well known in Indonesia even to foreign countries for its exotic bodycare product and the typical aromatherapy scents. So we got inspired to make a bodycare (SPA) and aromatherapy products. KaDrew Bali Aromatherapy is a legal product that produced by CV Bali Ayu Nature in Bali. KaDrew Bali Aromatherapy actually is some kind of effort to bring and preserve Bali's Cultural Heritage to this world of modern beauty by utilizing natural ingridients such as plants to make a SPA and aromatherapy products.


There's a lot of variants of scents that you can choose freely to match your taste and needs


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle

Night Queen

Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle

Night Queen

Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle

Dan Masih Banyak Lagi Varian Lainnya Seperti...

and there's still a lot of another variants such as...


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle


Available On : Reed Diffuser

Could Calm

Available On : Reed Diffuser


Available On : Body Lotion, Body Mist, Body Scrub, Body Butter, Massage Oil, Shower Gel, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy Soap, Car Fragrance, Reed Diffuser, Bath Salt, Flower Candle

Anda Sudah Mantap Dengan Pilihan Anda Sekarang?

Are you sure with your own choice right now?


Produk-Produk Best Seller Kami Yang Bisa Anda Coba Untuk Merelaksasi Tubuh & Pikiran Serta Melengkapi Kebutuhan SPA Anda

Here is our best seller products that you can try for your relaxation purposes also to complete your SPA needs

Aromatherapy Body Lotion

Mengandung Essential Oil

Contains essential oil

Melembabkan Kulit

Moisturize your skin

Menghaluskan Kulit

Soothe your skin

Wanginya Menenangkan

Its scent is very relaxing

RP 19.500

Aromatherapy Body Mist (BEST SELLER)

Mengandung Essential Oil

Contains essential oil

Wangi Segar, Elegan, Unik

The scents: fresh, elegant, unique

Wanginya Menenangkan

Its scent is very relaxing

Meningkatkan Mood & Pede

it helps lift your mood and confident

RP 35.000

Aromatherapy Body Scrub

Mengandung Essential Oil

Contains essential oil

Membuat Anda Jadi Relax

It makes you feel relax

Mengangkat Sel Kulit Mati

Removes dead skin cells

Mencerahkan Kulit

Brighten your skin

RP 17.500

Aromatherapy Body Butter Creamy

Melindungi Kulit Dari Sinar UV

Protect your skin from UV Light

Mencegah Stretchmark Pada Ibu Hamil

Prevents stretchmark on pregnant woman

Melembabkan Kulit 2x Lebih Efektif

2x more effective in moisturize your skin

Baik Untuk Kulit Kering

Suitable for dry skin

Wanginya Segar & Menenangkan

Its scent is very fresh & relaxing

RP 22.500

Aromatherapy Body Massage

Melenturkan Otot-Otot Yang Kaku

helps you to relax muscle strain

Aroma Oilnya Yang Menenangkan

The oil's scents is very relaxing

Menyegarkan Tubuh

It makes you feel fresh

Memulihkan Semangat

Bringing back your inner spirit

Melembabkan Kulit

Moisturize your skin

Memberikan Efek Relaksasi Pada Tubuh Anda

It will gives you some relax effect

RP 20.000

Aromatherapy Shower Gel

Diperkaya Dengan Ekstrak Essential Oil di Setiap Varian

It contains essential oil extract in every variant

Aromanya Segar Dan Menenangkan

The scents: fresh and relaxing

Mengandung Olive Oil

It contains olive oil

Membersihkan Sel Kulit Mati

Removes dead skin cells

Melembabkan Kulit

Moisturize your skin

Membuat Sensasi Relax

Very relaxing

RP 20.000

Car Fragrance

Untuk Mobil & Ruangan

Suitable for car & room

Mengandung Aromatherapy

It contains aromatherapy

Perjalanan Jadi Lebih Rileks

It makes you feel relax on your trip

Nyaman Berada Di Ruangan

Makes you feel comfy in a room

RP 35.000

Reed Diffuser 60ml

Tidak Memakai Listrik / Api

It doesnt use electricity/fire

Memakai Stik Kayu/Bambu Untuk Menyerap Minyak Aromatherapy Dan Menyebarkan Wanginya Ke Seluruh Ruangan

Using wooden/bamboo stick to absorb the aromatherapy oil and spread it to the entire room

RP 40.000

Botanical Wax Sachet

Merupakan Lilin Beraroma

It is a scented candle

Penggunaannya Mudah Hanya Dipajang/Digantung

Its easy to use, just hang it anywhere

Tanpa Harus Dibakar Seperti Lilin Aromatherapy

It doesnt need to be burnt unlike aromatherapy candles

RP 25.000

Flower Candle Rotan

Merelaksasi Tubuh

It will relax your body

Memberikan Ketenangan

It will gives you calming effect

Mengurangi Rasa Cemas

Reducing anxiety

RP 30.000

Scented Candles

Merelaksasi Tubuh

It will relax your body

Memberikan Ketenangan

It will gives you calming effect

Mengurangi Rasa Cemas

Reducing anxiety

RP 25.000

Flower Candles Set 6

Merelaksasi Tubuh

It will relax your body

Memberikan Ketenangan

It will gives you calming effect

Mengurangi Rasa Cemas

Reducing anxiety

RP 20.000

Virgin Coconut Oil

Berasal dari 100% Kelapa Murni

100% made from raw coconut

Tidak Memakai Zat Kimia

There's no chemicals involved

Baik Untuk Kesehatan

Its good for your health

Memperbaiki Fungsi Otak

It repairs your brain function

RP 25.000

Aromatherapy Bali Soap

Efektif Membunuh Bakteri

It kills bacteria efectively

Menjaga Kesehatan Kulit

Protect your skin health

Dapat Menenangkan Tubuh

It will relax your body

Mengurangi Gatal Akibat Eksim

Reducing itchy cause of eczema

RP 17.500

Aromatherapy Fruit Soap

Efektif Membunuh Bakteri

It kills bacteria efectively

Menjaga Kesehatan Kulit

Protect your skin health

Dapat Menenangkan Tubuh

It will relax your body

Mengurangi Gatal Akibat Eksim

Reducing itchy cause of eczema

RP 25.000

Aromatherapy Bath Salt (Isi 3)

Terbuat dari Garam Laut yang Dicampur Dengan Essentials Oil

It was made from sea salt mixed with essentials oil

Membantu Proses Penyembuhan

It will helps on healing process

Ritual Mandi Jadi Lebih Menyenangkan

Your bath time will be more enjoyable

Meningkatkan Kesehatan

Increase your health

Merelaksasi Tubuh

It will makes your feel relax

RP 20.000

Essential Oil 10ml

Merelaksasi Tubuh & Pikiran

Its good to relax your body & mind

Mengurangi Stress

Relieves stress

Menghilangkan Kecemasan

Relieves anxiety

Meredakan Nyeri Otot

To relieves your muscle strain

Meredakan Peradangan

To relieves inflammation

Mengatasi Sakit Kepala

To cure headache

Menghilangkan Cemas & Depresi

Reducing anxiety & depression

RP 30.000

Essential Oil Set 7

Merelaksasi Tubuh & Pikiran

Its good to relax your body & mind

Mengurangi Stress

Relieves stress

Menghilangkan Kecemasan

Relieves anxiety

Meredakan Nyeri Otot

To relieves your muscle strain

Meredakan Peradangan

To relieves inflammation

Mengatasi Sakit Kepala

To cure headache

Menghilangkan Cemas & Depresi

Reducing anxiety & depression

RP 37.500

Essential Oil Burner Putih Free Tealight Candle

RP 30.000

Essential Oil Burner (Keramik)

RP 30.000

Rattan Diffuser

RP 15.000

Tealight Candle

RP 20.000

Kami berinovasi untuk menciptakan suatu produk dengan paduan essentials oil yang kami olah sendiri di pabrik secara HIGIENIS kedalam produk perawatan kulit dan aromatherapy sehingga khasiatnya dalam menenangkan pikiran & tubuh bisa lebih maksimal.

We made such an inovation to create a product with a mixed of our self-made essentials oil and a skin care and aromatherapy product so its benefit in relaxing our mind & body will be more optimal.

Mengapa Anda Harus Beli Produk dari KaDrew Bali Aromatherapy?

Here’s the reasons why you need to buy our products

Kandungan setiap produknya mampu merelaksasi tubuh dan pikiran secara efektif serta dapat mengurangi rasa stress, cemas, dan depresi.

The ingridients of every products can relax your mind & body effectively, also relieves stress, anxiety, and depression.

Menggunakan bahan-bahan alami ASLI dari Pulau Bali, sehingga produk kami AMAN dan Sudah BPOM.

Using natural ingridients originally from Bali Island so basically its safe and BPOM Certified

Harga Produk yang Sangat MURAH tidaklah sebanding dengan kualitas dan khasiatnya yang MELIMPAH Bagi kesehatan

Behind its cheap price, its actually doesnt equal to its high quality and lots of benefits for our health.

Kami juga melayani pembelian partai besar atau grosir dengan harga SPESIAL dan lebih MENGUNTUNGKAN

We are also accepting mass buying with a special price and more profitable

Produk-produk buatan kami sudah banyak digunakan di Hotel, Villa dan Salon Spa di Bali

Our products were usually being used by hotels, villa, and spa salon in Bali.

Untuk Siapa Produk
Kami Dibuat?

For whom are these products were made for?

Remaja Hingga Lanjut Usia

Teen - elderly

Pria dan Wanita

Male and female

Anda Yang Butuh Relaksasi

Anyone who needs some relaxation

Anda Yang Punya Masalah Bau Badan

Anyone who got a body odor problem

Anda Yang Ingin Meningkatkan Kesehatan

Anyone who wants to improve their health

Anda Yang Punya Masalah Susah Tidur

Anyone who have a sleeping problem

Anda Yang Sering Merasa Stress dan Cemas

Anyone who got stressed and anxiety attack so easily

Jika Anda Termasuk Salah Satu Dari Mereka, Maka Membeli Produk KaDrew Bali Aromatherapy Adalah Keputusan TERBAIK Untuk Mengatasi Semua Permasalahan Anda!

If you're one of them, that means buying KaDrew Bali Aromatherapy is your BEST Decision to solve all of your problem!

Keuntungan Yang Anda Dapatkan Jika Membeli Produk dari KaDrew Bali Aromatherapy

Here’s the advantage of buying our products

Tubuh Menjadi Lebih Segar & Rileks

Your body will be more fresh and relax

Mendapatkan Ketenangan Jiwa & Pikiran

You can experiencing a peace of soul & mind

Ritual Mandi Menjadi Lebih Menyenangkan

Your daily bath routine will be more enjoyable

Mengatasi Permasalahan Kesehatan Anda

To solve your health problems

Mengurangi Stress, Cemas, & Depresi

To relieves stress, anxiety, and depression

Anda Bisa Merasakan Sensasi SPA Di Bali

You can enjoy the sensation of SPA in Bali


What Are You Waiting For? Order Now and Enjoy Its Benefits!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Produk Kami di produksi di Bali oleh orang-orang yang berpengalaman di bidang body care dan aromatherapi. Kami juga memiliki outlet di Bali dan Surakarta.

Q : The production of these products were takes place in?

A : Our products were produced in Bali by the people who expert in body care and aromatherapy.

Aman, karena kandungan di dalamnya menggunakan bahan bahan alami dari tumbuhan dan buah buahan yang kaya akan manfaat. Wewangian essential oil di setiap produk membuat tubuh dan pikiran menjadi rilex dan tenang.

Q : Is it safe?

A : Ofcourse its safe. We are using natural ingridients such as plants and fruits extract which have tons of benefits for our health. the scents of essentials oil also will makes you feel more relax and calm.

Iya, dengan minimal awal pembelian Rp.500.000.

Q : Is there any open reseller program?

A : Yes, with minimal order Rp.500.000

Tentu, karena kami juga melayani pembelian partai besar Dalam negeri & Luar negeri tapi dengan batas minimal pembelian 100 pcs /product dan dapat dijual kembali dengan harga yang sangat bagus.

Q : Is there any special price if we buy a lot of product? 

A : Ofcourse, because we also accept mass buying with minimal order 100pcs/product and you can resell it with a good price.

Nikmati Sensasi SPA Di Bali Tanpa Harus Terbang Ke Bali Cukup Dengan Pakai Produk Dari KaDrew Bali Aromatherapy!

Enjoy the sensation of SPA in Bali just by using KaDrew Bali Aromatherapy!



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Disclaimer : Jika anda memiliki alergi terhadap kandungan atau wewangian tertentu mohon konsultasikan terlebih dahulu kepada dokter spesialis Anda sebelum membeli produk kami.

Disclaimer : If you’re allergic to some ingridients or fragrance, please do some consultation first with your health specialist before buying our stuff.